How much water do we need on board a boat?

One of the most frequently asked questions in sailing forums is how much water you need to carry on board a boat. The problem when answering is that this amount varies substantially depending on the distance to be covered, the type of sailing – in a competition the water needs of the crew will be…

Tips for saving energy on a boat

Although people used to sail without electricity, simply using sails and rowing, today electricity has become essential in any sea crossing, whether short or long distance. We are not just talking about convenience, but of safety at sea. For example, sailing during a storm, with strong winds or at night can be very risky if…

Tips for better hydration when sailing

Good hydration is essential when sailing. Whether coastal or recreational sailing, sailing on the open seas or long-distance sailing, or even sailing competitions or sports regattas, your body’s water requirements on board a ship will be higher than when resting or on dry land. Keeping well hydrated while sailing is important for physical and intellectual…