A campsite spends lots of water every year, plus its clients have unlimited access to it. Showers, toilets, camper and van washing, laundry facilities, the swimming pool, drinking fountains… and many more spots end up as a huge number on the water bill, creating the need to find a solution to this economic problem. Plus, hidden behind the economic expense is a concern with the environment. So is there a solution that can drastically lower such a high expense as water while being sustainable?
The solution to this problem is simpler than you may think. A coastal campsite is fortunate enough to have a water source very close to the business. Obviously, sea water isn’t good for drinking, washing your car, cooking or showering. But it can be, and it can even be turned into drinking water if a terrestrial watermaker is used, such as the Efficient 2000 model from Eco-Sistems.

By installing a watermaker, such a huge resource as the sea can be used every day, free of charge. Producing 2,000 litres of drinking water per hour (a total of 48m3 per day, scalable up to more than 200 m3 per day), the Efficient 2000 model is capable of supplying any large facility, like a campsite. So how much can you save in water bills if you install a watermaker in your business? And how long does it take to amortise its cost?
All you need is one full day of production (24 hours of non-stop production) to amortise the cost of the machine.
The price of this watermaker, which is made especially for businesses like campsites, is equivalent to 15,000 litres of water.
By operating it 24 hours a day, total production is 48,000 litres.
Plus, producing one litre of water with a terrestrial watermaker only costs €0.001.
these watermakers also have an energy recovery system that allows you to save up to 80% in electricity, yet another benefit of a savings system that is winning over more fans every day.